Almost 12 years ago PC Synergy, the creators of PostalMate®, the most used Retail Shipping POS software, selected OLSON & IVES to become their Certified Partner for Point-Of-Sale hardware. Since then we have configured and supplied POS hardware systems for many PostalMate® users located all over the USA. Click here to visit the PostalMate website.
Take a look at our Premium and Standard POS hardware packages. Each one is configured with POS hardware that meets PostalMate's technical requirements as well as your budget. Once you have purchased PostalMate software from PC Synergy (800-485-6901), we'll install PostalMate on your PC before it is shipped. We'll also network PostalMate on multi-station POS systems. Once you receive your computer and peripherals we will use Remote Login to access your computer, with your permission, and install your POS hardware and test to insure proper function. We were the first in the industry to provide Remote Login services and we do remote support everyday. Many of customers report we've "saved the day" when they've been in a jam.